Monday, September 15, 2008

Wedding stuff

WeDDiNg. . .

So the wedding is January 23rd. I have just been very lazy about everything, but realized today that I only have about 4 months until the wedding. Apparently there is lots to do, but I just don't feel like there is. Its probably because my mom, Whitney, and my aunt Chris are in charge. But I figured that I could ask you guys for some cute ideas! My colors are going to be brown and pink. Thats about as far as I have gotten. Sooo, I definitely would love some feed back. You can send pictures of some cute things you have found, or even just some ideas you have seen or heard of! Anything would help!

I have posted some pictures of some ideas I had. Let me know what you think and what changes should be made...! :)

Cake Idea...maybe round instead of square...?
Instead of the bow we could have the people...

I really liked this announcement with the colors and the pictures would of course not be by the beach! But still I thought it was very cute.

I loved this idea. The candles are adorable and the brown table cloths will hide any messes. Plus having the pink flowers and napkins will tie the pink in really well. :) Too much though?


Mandy said...

I like the colors. The tables look nice as do the invitations. I think brown and pink is very classy. Maybe I like that color brown because so many things that I like are brown. Brownies...chocolate cake...truffles...chocolate know! If you plan on doing party favors, chocolate would be perfect! And we could throw mini chocolate chips instead of rice! That is if you weren't getting married in the temple. Well, I guess we'll have to eat the chocolate chips instead.

Love Lorri said...

ok, commented really funny stuff, but it deleted it so this is what you get.
I will try again tomorrow.
Love ya, mommy
PS it really was funny!

Anonymous said...

tellin ya, FUNNY

The Tanners said...

I love all the ideas and the colors. I even like the square cake, but that is because I had one at my Utah reception. I think whatever you choose will be lovely since you have such good taste. Let me know if I can do anything to help. Aunt Terra

Mary Beth said...

Congratulations Arli! You two are so cute together. I LOVE square cakes, and that one is fabulous! I like the bow on the top. I love brown and pink (in fact, I'm doing Lydia's bedroom in those colors right now) and I'm sure anything you guys come up with will be beautiful! I'm glad you've got a blog so I can follow along!