Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Time. . .

C h R i S t M a S t I m E i S h E r E . . .!!

Well I just thought it would be cute to post these pictures on here.

Christmas time is one of my favorite times! (Besides the freezing cold!) I love the time that is spent with loved ones. People become nicer around the holiday season. Yes there are the times when everyone gets cranky because they are poorer and because they have to walk SO far because they got a crappy parking spot. But other than that it gets pretty cheery. My favorite is seeing the kids get so excited for Santa to come! This year my dad has played Santa several times. Ashleigh Rockwell (a friend of ours for those of you that do not know her) has her mother (Whitney) call Santa, or my dad, every once in a while. It is very sweet. She gets so excited to talk to him, of course he doesn't do the greatest job disguising his voice! But the kids do not catch on and that is all that matters. It just makes me so happy seeing their faces when we talk about Santa! We took Ash to go see the famous Christmas lights in our town. This house spends THOUSANDS of dollars or MORE on electricity! It is nuts!

On Sunday we had our Nursery Nativity Play for the primary! It was very cute. A lot of the kids screamed and cried because they didn't want to get dressed up, and then when they were done with it and got to take everything off, they didn't want to do that! Haha, it was quite amusing! Some were okay with dressing up, and some were very excited to do it! Especially because their parents came to watch.

There was Mary and Joseph, sheep, wise men, shepherds, and angels! It was adorable! They didn't know what they were doing and just stared at the large group of people staring at them.

Cute Kids!

Even the young women wanted to join in!

And with the Christmas spirit in the air, even the animals come together and rest. They definitely enjoy each others company far more than the people! :)

H a P p Y h O l I d A y S !!!

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