Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Counting Down. . .

Well since my last post there has not been too much going on. Jake is still working hard in school. Surprisingly the semester is almost over! Only about 6 more weeks or so! It all went by so fast! The closer it gets to the end of the semester the closer it gets to the wedding day! Things are somewhat coming together. Not too much. I have an idea of everything that I want.
Now its just matter of getting it! We went to do our gift registries the other day. We went to Tar
get and then Bed Bath & Beyond. It was lots and lots of fun picking out things that we wanted, but wouldn't be able to get ourselves! He had more fun than he'd like to admit.

I got a new job here in Idaho Falls! It is lots of fun. I am a hostess at an Italian restaurant called Johnny Carinos! It is REALLY good food! I work there with Heather (my future sister-in-law). I would like to say it is because I knew her that I got the job, so thank you Heather! I will be leaving in December, but they said I will most likely get the job back when I come back to Idaho in February (beginning of . . .). Hopefully they will make me a server then because hostessing isn't enough money for me! (I don't think it is for anyone!). It is definitely a great place though! The people are awesome (except for a few, but you get that anywhere you go) and the managers are tons of fun! Gotta say it is almost BETTER than Olive Garden. Yes I get discounts (not free food. . .but I can usually talk them into it).

Things are going good. Still trying to get our invites and addresses, and I still have decisions to make about decorations. I cannot wait! Next week will be 2 and 1/2 months! Sorry mom, the countdown is going a lot quicker than you thought! Haha. Things are definitely coming together though. It has not snowed here yet. But I hear there was some in New Jersey! HAHA!!! (Yes it is a good thing for my family, but it is amazing to finally be somewhere that has no snow, while they are stuck with it!). I definitely cannot wait until I am on a nice sunny cruise and they are stuck in the U.S.! :) That's gonna make me smile A LOT!!


Nicole said...

I am glad that the planning is coming along. I am so excited for you!

Love Lorri said...

hey goober, we so got tons of stuff to do! Really! The snow is gone by the way and you wil lget your fair share!
love you and Jake!
glad your done registering...finally

the-olson-clan said...

Hey there! Lorie showed us the picture book and your wedding announcement...they are so cute!