Saturday, April 25, 2009

New . . .

Well I decided to change something else about my hair. I GOT BANGS!!! Well those side bangs. I like them a lot! (Although I can't get a good picture of them!)
What do you think!?
The only thing is they keep getting in my eyes which is quite difficult for me! I do love them though. It is a love hate relationship!

Jake and I also have a new addition to our family...!!! Ellie! The cutest puppy ever!
She is 5 months old, and is a black lab border collie mix. We went to PetCo and the Humane Society was there with some dogs and cats. It was quite sad. I wanted to take them all home with me! There was a dog there with 3 legs. I wanted to cry, it was the first time I saw that in person. :( Tears...But there were two puppies, Ellie and Bob. Brother and sister.

It was sad having to separate them, but we didn't think 2 dogs would be good! Haha. One is enough. She is a great puppy! She is so calm. If we aren't playing with her, she sits there and sleeps or just watches. She follows us EVERYWHERE! Every time we move an inch she looks up to see where we are going and she moves that inch too. She is so sweet! She loves to do puppy things, but is so mellow it is amazing! I am so happy we got her! She is just so adorable!! :D


Autumn said...

Your puppy is so cute!

Love Lorri said...

Adorable bangs and puppy! Is there room for her in the tiny apartment? LOL! I miss you and Jake! kisses to the puppy!
love ya, call soon!

Lesli said...

I love your hair Arli! Now about the dog, he is cute but people say you start to look like your dog after you better be careful! :o) love you!

Arles said...

Hey, it is a FEMALE! okay!? Haha. And she is pretty dang cute!! But i hope i don't start to look like her....!!! Thanks for the heads up!

Nicole said...

The bangs are definitely cute! Not to mention that little puppy...good luck with her. If she suddenly goes crazy - I am here for you.